Jivdaya Charitable Trust had received over 30 Bank Maynas in a very pitiful condition. They were all badly burnt as they came in contact with a dangerous chemical, they have been brought from the industrial region at a factory in Narol. These maynas have been rescued and got to out hospital where they were first […]
Surrogate mother for puppies at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
We have witnessed yet another miracle of Mother Nature where one day old orphan puppies were accepted by a mother dog who lost 9 of her puppies due to difficulty in delivering them. The four newly born puppies that had lost their mother The doctor putting the pups with the new mother Our doctor at […]

Innumerable Cases of PARVOVIRUS got to JCT’s Hospital!
Parvovirus has hit the city dogs. And they have been coming in for treatment in a large number at our Hospital. We have over 30 cases of dogs that are infected by parvovirus every single day! What is Parvovirus?? Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that can produce a life-threatening illness. The virus […]
International Fund for Animal Welfare – IFAW – WTI workshop on Handling Avian Emergencies during “Uttarayan”
International Fund for Animal Welfare – IFAW – WTI workshop on Handling Avian Emergencies during “Uttarayan” – kite flying festival is on the go atJivdaya Charitable Trust. Some of the most knowledgeable people in the field are sharing their knowledge with the Volunteers, to enhance their efficiency and to motivate the good work that they are […]

Bank Maynas burt by chemicals at Factory in Narol
Burnt wings of the mayna due to chemicals At Jivdaya Charitable trust we received over 30 bank maynas in a very pitiful condition. They were all badly burnt as they came in contact with a dangerous chemical, they have been brought from the industrial region at a factory in Narol. These maynas have been rescued […]

An Educational session at at Pre-School by JCT
Jivdaya Charitable Trust has taken up an initiative of reaching out to the next generation to make them sensitive towards our animal ans bird friends. To start from the very scratch we decided to visit a pre- school and take up an interactive session with the children and make them aware of the other beautiful […]

JCT participated in Food for Change 2014
Food For Change 2014 or cooking for a cause as you may call it, is organized to showcase the services of various NGO’s in Ahmedabad, with the hope to promote their work and also to facilitate them to Raise Funds. Jivdaya Charitable Trust participated in this Daan Utsav, which we have been a part of […]

Encouraging the staff of Jivdaya
An initiative taken by one of the Donor’s at Jivdaya was to Honor the Staff of Jivdaya Charitable Trust, they believed that the people who do all the manual work must be reworded and appreciated, so they took the opportunity to celebrate their Grandmother’s birthday differently by thanking Jivdaya’s Staff and motivating them to perform even more efficiently! They appreciated the kind […]

Educating the Next Generation at JCT
Students of GLS school visited Jivdaya Charitable Trust. It was an Educational Tour where students were made aware about the kind if work that happens in Jivdaya’s hospital and were also made aware about their duties to their fellow creatures. It was an interactive session where our staff and volunteers shared their experiences with them and […]

Monitor Lizard with a Dislocation treated at JCT
A monitor lizard that was brought to JIVDAYA that had a history of a dog bite and was having vertebral dislocation and hind leg fracture. As the vertebrae was dislocated with suspected spinal injuries, the doctors at Jivdaya decided to observe its nervous system first and then to decide about the surgical intervention, the lizard is under […]