A case of human cruelty was witnessed by one of our mobile ambulance . A little puppy was Burt by acid. It had a bad cut as well as a burn wound on its body. Our doctor treated this case by giving it an antiseptic dressing and took interrupted sutures to close the cut on […]
An abandoned cow got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust for treatment.
the infected eye of the cow A cow was brought to our hospital for treatment, she had a huge gaping wound near her eye and had also lost her eye due to the severe maggot infestation in it. She was abandoned by her owner after she had stopped giving milk and was of no use […]
Dog with an oral tumor treated at Jivdaya’s Hospital
A dog from Gulbaitekra area was brought to Jivdaya’s hospital with an oral tumor on the maxilla involving the gums and teeth. On examination our doctor of Jivdaya confirmed it as a case of epulis and hence he planned to go for cryo surgery to avoid profuse bleeding which happens in routine techniques. Ion cryo […]
A Dog with a bad burn injury got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A case of absolute Inhumanity was brought to JCT, A Dog with an Acid wound was bought to us. He was burnt so badly that its scull was visible the skin from over his head and neck had been completely burnt and gone. There was no trace of skin to be found over there… The […]
Vet wrap is used to bandage wounds at JCT!
Vet wrap is used for bandaging the wounds of animals and birds. This type of bandage is very useful as it restricts water from entering from over it. Along with this it is very sturdy bandage which can be reused as well. At Jivdaya Charitable Trust we use vet wrap for both animals and birds. […]
IM Pinning in a Peacock’s leg done at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A peacock was brought to jct with an injured leg . on first examination the doctors could feel crepitation on the tibia of right leg. The bird was taken for radiography and X-ray revealed a complete transverse fracture of the right tibia bone. Doctors then took the decision of going for intramedullary pinning. The peacock […]

A Donkey was rescued and got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust for treatment.
The donkey being taken care of at Jivdaya This animal was lying neglected on the roadside in a very pitiful condition when it grabbed the attention of one of the volunteers of JCT, seeing its emaciated body one could guess that the animal was without food and water for many days. Touched by its poor […]
Jivdaya’s Animal Mobile Clinic
Jct van also treats patients in our mobile ambulance clinic We have Mobile Ambulance Service which is well equipped will all kinds of medicines and qualified vets along with helpers. Which makes their treatment very efficient and helpful to dogs as being treated in their area. It is the only place in Ahmedabad city where […]
Dying of chicks is harmful for them.
Cute as they are, they are not made of marshmallow. Dying chicks is not natural for them. It does damage to their health. the experience is stressful for the birds. This practice of coloring hatch-lings must be put to an end and not consider them as meer play things. The chicks do not survive the […]
Over 10000 chicks left abandoned were rescued and got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust
Over 10000 chicks were left abandoned by a truck fellow at night near Agora Mall, Chandkheda. The chicks were packed in cardboard boxes which had torn because of the rain last night. The chicks were scattered all over the place. The chicks had hid in the safety of the bushes. Over 5000 chicks were dead […]