The donkey being taken care of at Jivdaya This animal was lying neglected on the roadside in a very pitiful condition when it grabbed the attention of one of the volunteers of JCT, seeing its emaciated body one could guess that the animal was without food and water for many days. Touched by its poor […]
Jivdaya’s Animal Mobile Clinic
Jct van also treats patients in our mobile ambulance clinic We have Mobile Ambulance Service which is well equipped will all kinds of medicines and qualified vets along with helpers. Which makes their treatment very efficient and helpful to dogs as being treated in their area. It is the only place in Ahmedabad city where […]
Dying of chicks is harmful for them.
Cute as they are, they are not made of marshmallow. Dying chicks is not natural for them. It does damage to their health. the experience is stressful for the birds. This practice of coloring hatch-lings must be put to an end and not consider them as meer play things. The chicks do not survive the […]
Over 10000 chicks left abandoned were rescued and got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust
Over 10000 chicks were left abandoned by a truck fellow at night near Agora Mall, Chandkheda. The chicks were packed in cardboard boxes which had torn because of the rain last night. The chicks were scattered all over the place. The chicks had hid in the safety of the bushes. Over 5000 chicks were dead […]

A Dog suffering for a Moggot wound treated at JCT
The dog was lying neglected by the road groaning in pain. Its pitiful cries were ignored by most, until two kinds souls took pity on it and brought it us to us for treatment. What initially must have been a small wound turned into a gaping hole due to a maggot infestation and due to […]
Monkey with a head trauma treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A baby monkey with head trauma was brought to JCT with involuntary incardination and movement. One night during this monsoon this monkey baby somehow slipped out of the cage and was lying on the floor drenched in water noticed by our doctor during his regular rounds of the aviary. He immediately wrapped the baby in […]
Pigeon given an artificial limb at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A Pigeon whose leg had been amputed was given an artificial leg by a doctor of Jivdaya, to help it function again without being affected by its disability. The limb was amputed above the fracture site and artificial limb was prepared using intramedullary pin and plastic. Plastic was used just to provide support so that […]

A Horse with a injury near its foot was treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust.
An escaped mare was caught running amok in the streets near Law Garden, seeing that she had an injury near her foot, her rescuer brought her to JCT since he couldn’t find the owner at that time. We treated the horse and let her rest. Afterwards the rescuer went back to Law Garden to track […]
Effect of the Heat Wave on birds admitted at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
The extreme heat wave is not only making the life of humans miserable but it is also creating great disturbance in the animal kingdom. The birds are more vulnerable and easily affected. Because of urbanization our natural water reserves are shrinking day by day and are adversely affecting our animal world. Recently we received a […]
A Dog’s broken jaw fixed at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A dog with dropped jaw was brought to jct from vejalpur area. On examination the dog was found to be suffering from mandibular fracture. Dr. Sharva shah went in for radiology and hence decided to go for surgery. Dr. Sharva Shah took the dog on general anaesthesia and also applied pulse oxymeter to monitor the […]