Shyam Rao… This is one name that brings a Smile to each person’s face at JCT. Genius is his designation.. And sometimes it feels as if it’s an understatement as he totally is somebody who has knowledge about each animal present at JCT and amazing hold on his work for the Personal Care department. His […]
Leucistic White Peacock
There’s something fantastic and pure about the white peacock. This is by far the most popular, and perhaps the most beautiful, of all the colored mutations. This peacock has the same enormous tail feathers as its relatives, but without an ounce of color: the whole bird is pure white. In fact, they have something called […]
A Labrador with a fracture was treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
Bruce, a Beautiful Labrador- stray cross breed has been brought to JCT by a kind man who found him wounded on the highway. Bruce had been hit by a car and luckily did not have too much injury on him. He has fractured his Front left leg. His owners were to be found no where, […]
Physiotherapy to Cats is given at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
Physiotherapy has proved to be very useful to cats with Spinal injury. We give regular exercise and intervene tonics to cats that are suffering from a Spinal Injury. Cat’s physiotherapy session going on at #JctPhysiotherapy has worked wonders for this cat. It’s on it’s way to recovery! We were able to help a pregnant cat […]
A charity event was organised for Jivdaya Charitable Trust
On the 7th of September 2014, Sunday at Town Hall, a musical night event Titled “ALL TIME ONCE-MORE SONGS OF GOLDEN ERA” was organized and managed by Mr. Dinesh Turakhia & friends. For Jivdaya Charitable Trust. The ongoing performances The singers who performed at the event were Bankim Pathak, Neeraj Pathak, Salim Malik, Daksha Gohil […]

Monitor Lizard with a damaged spine was treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A monitor lizard was brought to #JCT had a history of a dog bite and was having vertebral dislocation and hind leg fracture. As its vertebrae was dislocated with suspected spinal injuries, the doctors at Jivdaya decided to observe nervous system first and then to decide about surgical plan, the lizard was kept under observation […]
A Common Crane with a Fracture was treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A Common Crane was brought in with a fractured and cut wing during the Uttarayan campaign. Our Uttarayan experts got together and tried out something new for out here. We have successfully used an external fixation in the leg of a peahen, but never in the wing. Dr.Johanna Storm taught us a new technique of […]
An Injured Shikra treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A Shikra had been brought to JCT during Uttarayan with a bad wing fracture. It was treated and kept under observation, it showed good signs of recovery and soon was back to good health it was then given physiotherapy and motivated to fly again, because of the efforts of the doctors and the staff of […]

A Donkey was Rescued and then sent to the Donkey Sanctuary from JCT
This animal was lying neglected on the roadside in a very pitiful condition when it grabbed the attention of one of the volunteers of JCT, seeing its emaciated body one could guess that the animal was without food and water for many days. Touched by its poor plight our member brought it to our hospital […]

Greater Flamingo – Rescue & Treatment at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A greater flamingo with a very deep wound in its wing and a cut on its leg, was rescued from Sarkhej area. The wing had a deep cut which damaged most of its wing muscles. Doctor sutured up the wing and the bird was released into our aviary for recovery. The flamingo’s diet consists of […]