This dog was admitted with recurrent rectal prolapse which is a condition in which one or more layers of rectum are displaced through the anus. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including disorders of digestive, urinary or genital systems. Initially the doctor did external suturing to set the prolaspe in place but […]

Birds Need you this summer!
Please help our feathered Friends beat the heat! When water puddles dry up during the summer – birds are known to collapse from dehydration. Many birds, including the common house sparrow (Passer domesticus), are decreasing worldwide. Today, our farms are full of poisonous pesticides and insecticides. Birds are finding it increasingly difficult to find food […]

Prosthetics give dogs new leash on life
dog amputed prosthetic leg of dog A couple of months ago, a paan shop owner in Ranip brought a puppy to Jivdaya Charitable Trust, which provides free medical treatment to stray animals and birds, with a severed hind leg.Doctors at the organization provided a prosthetic leg to the pup and within three days, the pup […]

A Puppy that was buried alive was treat at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
Someone did a horrific thing to a little puppy. They buried the puppy alive! This news was broken to us by the person who got it to our hospital. When it was got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust, it was unconscious. This little baby had been suffering from a major head injury. And is in coma for now. […]

30 Bank Maynas were rescued and got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust.
Jivdaya Charitable Trust had received over 30 Bank Maynas in a very pitiful condition. They were all badly burnt as they came in contact with a dangerous chemical, they have been brought from the industrial region at a factory in Narol. These maynas have been rescued and got to out hospital where they were first […]

Educating the Next Generation at JCT
Students of GLS school visited Jivdaya Charitable Trust. It was an Educational Tour where students were made aware about the kind if work that happens in Jivdaya’s hospital and were also made aware about their duties to their fellow creatures. It was an interactive session where our staff and volunteers shared their experiences with them and […]

An Emergency Cesarean of a female Monkey at Jivdaya Trust
A female monkey was brought to JCT by some volunteers, as she was having difficulty in moving. On examination the doctor preferred to go in for a x-ray as he thought it to be a case of dystocia. On Radio graph a small fetus was seen. First the doctor went for injections of oxytocin for […]

A Dog suffering for a Moggot wound treated at JCT
The dog was lying neglected by the road groaning in pain. Its pitiful cries were ignored by most, until two kinds souls took pity on it and brought it us to us for treatment. What initially must have been a small wound turned into a gaping hole due to a maggot infestation and due to […]

Poisoning in crows due to unnatural diet during ‘Shrad’
We received a call stating, about few crows found to be in critical condition and hence were immediately brought to Jivdaya Charitable Trust by Gita Rambhiar Trust and Sanjivni Trust. We received 20 crows in critical condition and on examining them, the doctors at Jivdaya Charitable Trust found that the crows were suffering from poisoning. […]
A Bull whose back was burnt with acid was treated by Jivdaya Charitable Trust’s doctors.
The bull with acid on its back This poor bull was the victim of sheer cruelty as someone threw acid all over his back which was very badly burned, with shin peeling off, our doctors had a tough time treating this poor animal in pain. the burn injury on the bull The bull was very […]