Children’s Interaction Program for Friendliness

Helping and interacting with animals as the earth are what we all have in common.
Can Humans and nature coexist? Since ages, we have been neglecting nature and have taken it for granted. We as humans have been exploiting nature for our greed and boisterous motives. As for centuries, Mother Nature has been selflessly serving us though we have been at times cruel to her. So a better point of a query would be, can humans preserve the environment in which we co-exist? Or is the time not right to ask ourselves, where do we start with our efforts to better preserve the environment? And the answer to it would start at the primitive, basic level. The value and attribute of the co-existence, mutual respect has to be ingrained at the formative years in the human race so that over the years it gets more rooted and firmer. The times we are going through is kind of teaching us a lesson that we have disturbed the harmony and not for our sake but for the sake of our kids and the generation ahead, we have taught our kids the importance of harmony and each living thing on the earth. There is an immediate need to educate children and youth around the globe for better understanding and how to cohabitate with nature in a way that reverses our current path of mistreatment to Mother Earth.
In this effort, we at JCT have been doing our bit to educate gen next. At regular intervals, we organize camps for children and youth to visit JCT where we make them play or cuddle with animals and help them to feed animals, in an effort to remove that hidden fear, dislike or unreasonable disgust they feel about the poor creatures. This way children become less paranoid about animals. Research has shown that children develop positive values when they come in regular contact with animals. These interactions with animals have also proven to be more effective in developing social skills amongst children with disabilities too. The traits and psychological benefits the child will develop around animals will aid them in nearly every aspect of their lives. Every child is surely going to learn how to respect and treat the animals the way they deserve to be with care, respect and empathy. Animals also teach them how one can be a caregiver to them and also nurture instincts such as conscience and responsibility as the child needs to be responsible with animals. So by way of this program, we achieve two goals at a time that children start respecting nature and they are benefiting themselves also. In this way, we make them understand and realize that they are the future custodians of the earth and they have to treat each living thing with compassion and appreciation to maintain its harmony.
So there is an old saying “we do not inherit the earth from our forefathers, we borrow it from our children”. Thus it is up to us as to what kind of legacy we wish to pass on to our next generation? Conversely and more importantly to what kind of future generation, we would pass on the legacy of the earth? Raising children in a fast-paced techno-savvy world like this can certainly be challenging. There are so many issues to focus on social development, education, emotional skills, social responsibilities and so much more. As a result somehow somewhere down the line, we forget about our beautiful planet and all of its voiceless inhabitants. So at Jivdaya Charitable Trust, we have this fun-loving interactive campus where we keep many activities that make animal interaction more fun like for our little friends. We also keep a camp during the Uttarayan Festival where they get the first-hand experience of birds getting injured. During this camp, we welcome children and youth to come forward and join us for rescuing birds around the city. Saving every voiceless creature on earth should be our soul motive as planet earth is the one and only habitat for us, we should cherish what remains on it and should foster its renewal which is our only hope of survival. Because we all know…there is no plan B.