Guardian of the Night

What comes to your mind when you think of bats? Vampires! Cultures across the world associate darkness, malevolence, fear and danger with bats. In fact, most people think of them with loathing. While these are subjective attributes, one thing is certain- there is scarce knowledge about this incredible creature among the masses. Bats are nocturnal and roost in caves or tall trees which keeps them away from human interaction and as history teaches us, homo sapiens have always feared what they do not understand.
Although bats host pathogens, the transmission happens if they come in close proximity, especially if they bite or are consumed. Everyone on earth is aware of the latter, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic! Here too, it should be kept in mind that bats have been natural carriers of Corona viruses for millennia. Only when the virus mutated and transmitted to humans, it became a threat to us; and since our immune systems had never experienced this virus, we became susceptible to infection.
Lack of knowledge precipitates dread which can spawn violent reaction. Thousands of bats were illegally killed in many parts of the world. A lot of people made frantic appeal to their governments to exterminate bats from their neighbourhood where they had peacefully coexisted before. All this is utterly ridiculous and futile. First of all, not all bats can transmit the novel corona virus with any known threat to humans. Secondly, once the virus jumped to one person, it caused an outbreak. This is human-to-human transmission. Hence, a genocide of all infected human populace would help more than wantonly exterminating bats! (Also, bats are a protected species under the Indian Wildlife Act, 1972. Harming them will attract appropriate penalty.)
Here is the truth. Bats are among the commonest animals found all over the world with the exception of frigid climate. They maintain the ecosystem by pollinating plants and eating insects (insectivorous bats). Some species of plants depend exclusively on bats. Further, they are Nature’s pest control as they eat insects and lessen the need for insecticides. In some countries, their excreta are collected from their roosts (usually caves) to be made into guano (high quality manure). In addition, seeds excreted by them in faeces help grow more trees (fructivore bats). Basically, without bats, there would be an upheaval in our environment.
Apart from all this, bats are an unparalleled work of Nature. They are better at flying than all birds as they have deft control on their flight. They are the only mammal capable of sustained flight. Contrary to the common perception, their wings are made of membrane between their digits, unlike the birds. The micro bats locate their prey using impeccable echolocation.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Some species of bats look adorable with a snout and resemble a puppy somewhat. Flying foxes are a sight of grace with smooth, noiseless flight. This cutie pie was found exhausted and on the verge of death in a closed house. Panicked new occupants contacted us. The poor chap was dehydrated but fortunately, otherwise all right.
It belongs to the sub-species, mouse tailed bat. They get their name from their tall, thin, antenna-like tail. Their backs are greyish brown to dark brown in colour with pale undersides. They are insectivorous bats with beetles making up about 50% of their diet. They also feed on moths and net-winged insects like lacewings, dragonflies etc, but their overall diet is much less diverse than other insectivorous bats. Human disturbance in roost sites and pesticide use are the main threats all insectivorous bats face. After being given proper nourishment and care, it regained its lost vigour. It was released at night in a suitable habitat where hopefully, it will live a disease-free, long life and balance the environment.
While most people are apprehensive or even reviled by the dark, a few round pegs in square holes find solace in it. Black signifies depth. Night is like a reservoir of secrets and knowledge available only to those who dare to venture into the unknown. When things are bright as day, any person with a pair of eyes can work. But the impermeable blackness of night demands one to acclimatize. With darkness as your ally, no dread can overpower you.
Unfortunately, humankind has attributed love and warmth to some animals whereas as loathing and antipathy to others. Animals are animals. They are incapable of hatred or vengeance. Their behaviour can be understood easily if observed. They merely react to their surroundings. Snakes, wolves and bats are a few examples of incredible creatures that are victim of this immature bias.
A major part of JCT endeavour is to spread awareness among the ordinary citizens about our environment. We attempt to sensitize people with the critical importance of maintaining a balance with Nature. Respect for existence of other living creatures is not just an ideal but the anchor of survival of our species. Youngsters particularly form both, the recipient of our outreach and significant contributors to the same as reflected by their overwhelming numbers in volunteers and professionals. In order to sustain our efforts, we rely on the financial help extended by kindred spirits such as yourself. Your contribution is going to be put to the best use. Many innocents, speechless, ignored lives hang in balance. You can pitch in to make sure the scales dip in favour of peace and harmony.