In Run…to Give Cattle Their Right of Best Medical Treatment

We Indians belong to a culture where animals are worshipped like a god. We even worship animals like God. For so many homes, feeding animals and birds is a daily ritual without which they can’t even take a morsel of food themselves. In Indian culture, every child is taught to love animals, worship it, and respect them as a valuable part of nature and co-existence. In Hindu culture there is preaching that says souls in the human being are the same in all animals, we have to treat every living organism equally and bestow them with utmost respect and kindness. There is a very popular story in our history books that we all might have read. It is about the Moghul Emperor Jahangir where an animal was treated as capable of owing rights. All kids are aware of “Panchtantra”- kid’s favorite storybook which describes human values through animal characters. In present times, even the Government of India has also passed legislation to prevent cruelty against the animals. But still, India is not an easy place for animals, when on the ground we have a reality check, there are so much inhumanness and gruesomeness in the treatment towards animals that at some times it is heart-wrenching. And such incidents are happening into our backyard and still due to some reason they are gone unnoticed.
Animals have a very important role in rural as well as urban parts of India and for that matter across the world. Our lives depend on these animals, with whom we share an amazing bonding. But still, we find so many stray animals roaming around the cities and villages with poor health and no one to take care of them. Many a time when they are raised as pets, they are well fed and treated only till their usefulness. Once they cease to be useful, they are abandoned and poorly fed by their owners. It is a very regular case with cows. These innocent animals are used as a machine and when this cattle stop giving milk they are neglected and ultimately are abandoned. This kind of cruel treatment is not limited to just cows or buffaloes, the story is the same for Camels, Goats, Dogs, and Horses. These kind of heartless deeds are unfolding in our cities and villages but there are very few people or organizations which are doing some work for these abandoned animals.
At Jivdaya Charitable Trust we are working relentlessly for the betterment of these voiceless and innocent animals. With a team of well-experienced doctors, nurses, support staff, and world-class infrastructure…JCT is one of the strongest organizations in the state of Gujarat serving animals in pain and trying to bring them back to normal lives. But our activities don’t end at JCT campus only as we also do innumerable camps and onsite visits for the animal’s betterment. One such camp was held with the collaboration of Akhil Bharatiya Hinsha Nibaran Sangh, Ahmedabad. It was a Veterinary health check-up and food distribution camp for cattle and other animals at Palsana, Ahmedabad.
JCT empathizes and comprehends the pain and anguish, these poor animals are going through and is relentless working for their upliftment. We specially take extra care for the health and hygiene of these voiceless souls. The camp at Palsana, Ahmedabad was organized to help economically backward cattle owners by providing free check-ups and medicines for their cattle, provide vaccinations and food to these animals. The veterinary expert from Jivdaya Charitable Trust Dr. Shashikant Jadav and a team of experts and nursing staff were the chief attraction of this camp as they successfully managed to examine about 121 animals including Buffalo, Goat, Horses, Camels, and Dogs. The major health concern for them was reproductive/ breeding disability and they were cured with the best possible treatment. Our experts also gave knowledge to the cattle owners about the various diseases and health problems, prevalent in these animals and cautions and care they should take in such conditions.
God has showered us with abundant resources and for sure, it doesn’t belong to humans only. Every living organism has share in it. So, let’s spare a thought for them as it is said that “We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment towards animals”. Let’s all be kind and compassionate for every creature on this earth.