First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
Date of Birth *( dd / mm / yyyy )
Job Status *—Please choose an option—StudentWorkingSelf EmployedOther
Candidate *—Please choose an option—ExperiencedFresher
Name of the organization
Area of Work
Duration of Work
Gender *MaleFemale
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How do you come to know about Jivdaya Charitable Trust ? *FriendsCollage PresentationMediaBlog/ FacebookOther
Code of Conduct
I have read and fully understood these conditions, and I hereby agree to abide by them. ( Please check/tick the box to complete the process.)
A volunteer is a valuable member among the community who will have the unique opportunity to work with JIVDAYA CHARITABLE TRUST. The following ground rules are your agreements to the trust:
We might write in the 1st point ‘working in animal welfare can be challenging sometimes, mentally as well as physically. As a volunteer you must accept the challenges and do the best for them.
We should mention a certain working hours and days according to their choice. e.g. minimum 2 days a week / 8 hours in a week
Against the 3rd point we can write ‘Jivdaya will not be responsible for any kind of expenses for general volunteers’
Need to add ‘volunteer should take necessary vaccination by consulting their respective family physicians before start working with us as a volunteer and submit the vaccination certificates to the head of the department at JCT.
Volunteers are in charge of their own health and safety.
Volunteers should not undertake any activities if they have responsibilities towards their own health.
Before venturing into any new cases, every volunteer should study the particular health and safety risk linking with their individual cases.
With every occasion, the distinct task changes. If, by any chance you are unable to accomplish these tasks, you are requested to inform a member of staff in advance.
Volunteers don't have any right to empower the contract on behalf of JIVDAYA CHARITABLE TRUST.
Behaving against the code of conduct will reject you urgently and for all time from any future volunteer events with JIVDAYA CHARITABLE TRUST.
Volunteers are strictly forbidden to use the name JIVDAYA CHARITABLE TRUST in any advertising unless approved by the trustee.
Engaging in alcohol or outlawed substances while working will not be acknowledged. JIVDAYA eagerly looks forward to your presence as a volunteer.