A cow had been got to Jivdaya from Chandkheda area of ahmedabad. It had been hit by an oncoming railway engine. The cow was in a very bad state when it was got to the hospital. Immediate first aid was given to the cow after which it showed some signs of relief. The. Cow that […]

Accident victim – Bluebull got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust for Treatment
This female Nilgai or Bluebull was brought in with a fractured leg after being hit by a car near Hansol area, she was brought in by the Forest Dept. Her leg was broken quite badly and she was in a lot of pain. Treating animals which are in pain is like taking a big risk […]
A dog hit by an oncoming train got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust for treatment
A dog was brought to Jivdaya in a bad condition. Both it’s fore limbs were badly injured because of a train accident! The train accident had left him in a lot of pain and had changed him for a lifetime. He was brought to Jivdaya Charitable Trust by the family who was looking after him. […]
A Rabbit’s amputation was performed at Jivdaya Charitable Trust’s Hospital.
The dislocated leg of the rabbit A Rabbit with an already dislocated & damaged hind leg was got to JCT. It was the result of it being caught by a dog. Luckyly only its leg was affected. on examining the rabbit our doctor took it in for surgery immediately and amputated the leg. The rabbit […]