Lipomas are benign masses made up of exclusively fat cells lying just under the skin with limited mobility. These are not cancerous and thus do not spread to other tissues. They do not cause any pain as such but can become a hindrance in free movement due to their location. In that case, especially when […]

Dog Impaled by Garden Fence
Veterinarians at JCT are always on their toes. With their vast experience and expertise, vets are prepared to handle any emergent situation that may show up in the course of their duty. Given the unfortunately large size of stray animals, ownerless dogs, cats and cattle often meet with accidents that need specialized medical help. These […]

Baby Monkey’s Reunion
Langur is a common creature in Bharat. With the strong tail and long, slender limbs it is adept at climbing tree or buildings. They move in troops, led by the Alpha male. Langurs are seen usually as comical demons. Their antics among themselves can entertain one for long. At any time, you can see them […]
Spinally injured dog treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust.
A Spinally injured Dog was brought to JCT in October and By December it has begun to walk. This dog which could not even get up has now begun to walk. This is the result of the proper treatment and hard work of JCT’s Doctors and Staff, today, he is able to not only stand […]
Horn Cancer in a cow treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
The cow’s affected horn A cow had been admitted to Jivdaya Charitable Trust with a badly infected horn because of hyper granulation. On palpating the base of the affected horn was warm and dull sound could be heard on percussion. On confirming it as a case of Horn Cancer our Doctor at Jivdaya operated on […]
Cow hit by a train treated at JCT
A cow had been got to Jivdaya from Chandkheda area of ahmedabad. It had been hit by an oncoming railway engine. The cow was in a very bad state when it was got to the hospital. Immediate first aid was given to the cow after which it showed some signs of relief. The. Cow that […]

Abandoned Labrador Retriever rescued and got to JCT
This chocolate Labrador was got to JCT by a family who found him abandoned on the roads. This old loving fellow was abandoned by his owners because he was aging and was suffering from a skin disease and was also suffering from deafness! He is well taken care of here at Jivdaya! We request people to […]

A story of an Abandoned dog treated at Jivdaya Trust
Simba , who was abandoned by its owner for no fault of its own. Its dilapidated condition melted the heart of one of our trustees, Gira Shah and she took the dog in her custody and brought it directly to our institution. Initially Simba felt somewhat awkward because of the new environment but our experts […]
A Neelgai treated at Jivdaya’s Hospital
A Male neelgai has been brought to our shelter by the forest department. It has a bad fracture on its front right leg and has dislocated its front left shoulder and therefore cannot stand up. The animal was in a lot of pain and stress. Our doctors here gave it all the possible medical attention […]

Accident victim – Bluebull got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust for Treatment
This female Nilgai or Bluebull was brought in with a fractured leg after being hit by a car near Hansol area, she was brought in by the Forest Dept. Her leg was broken quite badly and she was in a lot of pain. Treating animals which are in pain is like taking a big risk […]