This dog was admitted with recurrent rectal prolapse which is a condition in which one or more layers of rectum are displaced through the anus. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including disorders of digestive, urinary or genital systems. Initially the doctor did external suturing to set the prolaspe in place but […]
Raising a New born Calf at Jivdaya’s Hospital
A cow was got to Jivdaya with the history of a road accident. She was in a very bad condition, on examination the doctor found out that the cow was pregnant. The cow passed away giving birth to a healthy female calf. This female calf was then kept Jivdaya’s hospital and was bottle fed with […]

A Case of human cruelty treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
How cruel can Humans be? Is this what these innocent Animals deserve? A Puppy and its mother were tied together cruelly by someone with a plastic thread. They were in a very pitiful condition when they were brought in for treatment. The puppy’s hind leg was tied to its mother’s fore leg which made it […]