A barbed wire was wound to a dog’s leg which caused a lot of damage to it. This case was got to one of the Mobile Clinics of Jivdaya. This was a shocking case for our doctors aswell. This is heights of human being cruel to animals. The wire was bound so tightly that the skin […]

Innumerable Cases of PARVOVIRUS got to JCT’s Hospital!
Parvovirus has hit the city dogs. And they have been coming in for treatment in a large number at our Hospital. We have over 30 cases of dogs that are infected by parvovirus every single day! What is Parvovirus?? Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that can produce a life-threatening illness. The virus […]

An Emergency Cesarean of a female Monkey at Jivdaya Trust
A female monkey was brought to JCT by some volunteers, as she was having difficulty in moving. On examination the doctor preferred to go in for a x-ray as he thought it to be a case of dystocia. On Radio graph a small fetus was seen. First the doctor went for injections of oxytocin for […]

Cat with a spinal injury delivers healthy kittens at JCT
Awesome news for all our animal-loving fans out there. A pregnant cat in our shelter managed to successfully deliver her babies. However it wasn’t a normal delivery as the cat had a spinal injury due to some tragic mishap. Our doctor conducted a cesarean successfully without any hurdle and the cat gave birth to two […]

Dog slashed by a sharp blade got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust for Treatment
A chill will down run one’s spine after he witnesses this sight. This dog was slashed at using a sharp blade and was rushed to jct in a very critical condition by a humble person. Our doctors took the case immediately and performed an emergency operation. By God’s grace the poor fellow is doing well […]
A Dog with a bad cut on his face treated at Jivdaya Trust
A dog was brought to JCT in our ambulance service with lacerated wound. The wound was extended from left lip and continued up to neck. The wound was so severe that it exposed the parotid gland as well as the carotid artery; luckily it was not cut and the dog was saved. On emergency basis […]

Case of Gas gangrene in a dog had been got to Jivdaya.
A very interesting case was brought to JCT. This dog met with an unfortunate accident and as a result a deep wound was created in its thoracic region which was really close to the lungs. Our doctor sutured up the gaping wound immediately and the dog was kept in our shelter to recuperate. But the […]
Acid Burn Case of a puppy was got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A case of acid burn got to JCT Acid Burn Case in puppies have been treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust, the inhumanity in some people has reached up to this extent that they do not think twice before burning little puppies with acid. In this pup’s case 40% of its body was burnt because of […]
A dog was brought by a family from Rakhial for its operation to Jivdaya Trust
The dog before treatment A family from Rakhial came down to Ahmedabad to get their stray dog’s cesarean done. The family was so attached to the dog that they wanted the best treatment to be given to her. They first went to a Private hospital for surgery but were turned down by them being told […]
A puppy with an acid burn treated by JCT’s Mobile Clinic
A case of human cruelty was witnessed by one of our mobile ambulance . A little puppy was Burt by acid. It had a bad cut as well as a burn wound on its body. Our doctor treated this case by giving it an antiseptic dressing and took interrupted sutures to close the cut on […]