The cow’s affected horn A cow had been admitted to Jivdaya Charitable Trust with a badly infected horn because of hyper granulation. On palpating the base of the affected horn was warm and dull sound could be heard on percussion. On confirming it as a case of Horn Cancer our Doctor at Jivdaya operated on […]

Abandoned Labrador Retriever rescued and got to JCT
This chocolate Labrador was got to JCT by a family who found him abandoned on the roads. This old loving fellow was abandoned by his owners because he was aging and was suffering from a skin disease and was also suffering from deafness! He is well taken care of here at Jivdaya! We request people to […]
Newly Born Bat babies at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A female Pipistrille bat was brought to us with a kite string injury on the wing. On examination our doctor’s found out that she was pregnant. She was given necessary treatment. She was very weak and died after giving birth to twin babies. They will be taken care at our facility till they are old […]
A Dog with a bad cut on his face treated at Jivdaya Trust
A dog was brought to JCT in our ambulance service with lacerated wound. The wound was extended from left lip and continued up to neck. The wound was so severe that it exposed the parotid gland as well as the carotid artery; luckily it was not cut and the dog was saved. On emergency basis […]
Dog with an oral tumor treated at Jivdaya’s Hospital
A dog from Gulbaitekra area was brought to Jivdaya’s hospital with an oral tumor on the maxilla involving the gums and teeth. On examination our doctor of Jivdaya confirmed it as a case of epulis and hence he planned to go for cryo surgery to avoid profuse bleeding which happens in routine techniques. Ion cryo […]
Vet wrap is used to bandage wounds at JCT!
Vet wrap is used for bandaging the wounds of animals and birds. This type of bandage is very useful as it restricts water from entering from over it. Along with this it is very sturdy bandage which can be reused as well. At Jivdaya Charitable Trust we use vet wrap for both animals and birds. […]
A Jackal Treated in JCT’s Hospital
A Jackal injured on it’s left hind leg was rescued and got to Jivdaya’s hospital . The people who got it to the hospital did not know they had got a jackal. When they got it to our O.P.D. Department it was found out that they had got a Jackal. The injury in its leg […]