A dog was brought to Jivdaya in a bad condition. Both it’s fore limbs were badly injured because of a train accident! The train accident had left him in a lot of pain and had changed him for a lifetime. He was brought to Jivdaya Charitable Trust by the family who was looking after him. […]

The Golden Oriole!
GoldonOriole The Golden Oriole, also known as the Eurasian Golden Oriole is the only member of the oriole family of passerine birds breeding in the northern hemisphere temperate regions. Adult males can be told apart from the Eurasian golden oriole by the black of the eye stripe extending behind the eye. The Indian golden oriole […]
A Indian star tortoise with a shell crack treated at JCT
Cracked shell of an Indian Star Tortoise. An Indian Star tortoise was brought to Jivdaya with a broken shell. Our doctors fixed it’s broken shell by using screws and wires. The doctor sedated the tortoise and then with the help of the electric drill machine. After 4 months the screws were removed from the shell […]
A Rabbit’s amputation was performed at Jivdaya Charitable Trust’s Hospital.
The dislocated leg of the rabbit A Rabbit with an already dislocated & damaged hind leg was got to JCT. It was the result of it being caught by a dog. Luckyly only its leg was affected. on examining the rabbit our doctor took it in for surgery immediately and amputated the leg. The rabbit […]
Turtle with a shell crack treated at JCT
the cracked shell of the turtle A turtle with a cracked shell was got to Jivdaya for treatment. On examination the doctor opted to go in for surgery. The doctor fixed the shell crack with the help of an electric drill machine. After which the turtle was left to heal for a few months. Once […]

A Case of human cruelty treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
How cruel can Humans be? Is this what these innocent Animals deserve? A Puppy and its mother were tied together cruelly by someone with a plastic thread. They were in a very pitiful condition when they were brought in for treatment. The puppy’s hind leg was tied to its mother’s fore leg which made it […]

Domestic ducks rescued from the City of Ahmedabad.
Ducks Jivdaya Charitable Trust got a call from the ‘gurjari bazar’ in Ahmedabad where someone spotted some ducks caught up in the river and they immediately called Jivdaya to the rescue. When our volunteers reached on spot they saw young ducks struggling in the water. They saved as many as they could and brought 13 […]

Prosthetics give dogs new leash on life
dog amputed prosthetic leg of dog A couple of months ago, a paan shop owner in Ranip brought a puppy to Jivdaya Charitable Trust, which provides free medical treatment to stray animals and birds, with a severed hind leg.Doctors at the organization provided a prosthetic leg to the pup and within three days, the pup […]

Senior Citizen Cultural Group’s Visit at Jivdaya.
“ABHI TO MAI JAWAN HUN” Around 80 senior citizens of Ahmedabad visited Jivdaya Charitable Trust. At 9 am on Sunday Morning! It was such a inspiring moment from everyone to have seen them come in and enjoy the visit to Jivdaya Charitable Trust so enthusiastically! Each moment was worth capturing from the moment when they spoke of […]

30 Bank Maynas were rescued and got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust.
Jivdaya Charitable Trust had received over 30 Bank Maynas in a very pitiful condition. They were all badly burnt as they came in contact with a dangerous chemical, they have been brought from the industrial region at a factory in Narol. These maynas have been rescued and got to out hospital where they were first […]