Puppy Stuck in Tar

Puppy Stuck in Tar

Tar… that black substance you would not notice though you see it every day. It lines your path to success or failure as you tread on it. While it is a sign of urbanization, one day, our handlers saw tar in a way that made their heart sink. Human’s best friend- dog- has legions of […]

A puppy with an acid burn treated by JCT’s Mobile Clinic

A case of human cruelty was witnessed by one of our mobile ambulance . A little puppy was Burt by acid. It had a bad cut as well as a burn wound on its body. Our doctor treated this case by giving it an antiseptic dressing and took interrupted  sutures to close the cut on […]

A puppy suffering from PneumoThorax was treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust

A Little little puppy was bitten by a bigger dog. This pup was brought to Jivdaya for treatment. On examination the doctor discovered that that pup’s lung was punctured and he had trouble breathing. A collapsed lung, or pneumothorax, is the collection of air in the space around the lungs. This buildup of air puts […]

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