A Spinally injured Dog was brought to JCT in October and By December it has begun to walk. This dog which could not even get up has now begun to walk. This is the result of the proper treatment and hard work of JCT’s Doctors and Staff, today, he is able to not only stand […]

Cat with a spinal injury delivers healthy kittens at JCT
Awesome news for all our animal-loving fans out there. A pregnant cat in our shelter managed to successfully deliver her babies. However it wasn’t a normal delivery as the cat had a spinal injury due to some tragic mishap. Our doctor conducted a cesarean successfully without any hurdle and the cat gave birth to two […]
Physiotherapy to Cats is given at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
Physiotherapy has proved to be very useful to cats with Spinal injury. We give regular exercise and intervene tonics to cats that are suffering from a Spinal Injury. Cat’s physiotherapy session going on at #JctPhysiotherapy has worked wonders for this cat. It’s on it’s way to recovery! We were able to help a pregnant cat […]

Monitor Lizard with a damaged spine was treated at Jivdaya Charitable Trust
A monitor lizard was brought to #JCT had a history of a dog bite and was having vertebral dislocation and hind leg fracture. As its vertebrae was dislocated with suspected spinal injuries, the doctors at Jivdaya decided to observe nervous system first and then to decide about surgical plan, the lizard was kept under observation […]