Prosthetics give dogs new leash on life

dog amputed
prosthetic leg of dog
A couple of months ago, a paan shop owner in Ranip brought a puppy to Jivdaya Charitable Trust, which provides free medical treatment to stray animals and birds, with a severed hind leg.Doctors at the organization provided a prosthetic leg to the pup and within three days, the pup became comfortable with its new, artificial leg.
Prosthetics have changed the lives of disabled and handicapped people since the Egyptians first pioneered the idea.However, this gift is now being provided to assist dogs and other animals in Ahmedabad.
Dr Sharva Shah from Jivdaya has performed surgeries on a puppy and an adult dog to provide them with artificial limbs in the last three months.The adult dog is being looked after by the residents of a society near Chandkheda.
“Prosthetics cannot be worn 24/7 and need to be removed after six to eight hours.Hence, it is difficult to support a stray animal with artificial limbs unless there is someone to take care of it,“ said Dr Shah. While many Amdavadis prefer to abandon or give away their disabled pets, vets are seeing a small section of committed pet owners that embrace pets as their family members.
We also use wheelchairs, orthotics and prosthetics to improve the lives of dogs that have lost limbs to deformity , infection or accident.
The efforts put in by JCT’s Doctor has given so many dogs who have lost a limb a ray of hope to be able to walk comfortably on all four legs again.